These biographies have been compiled using information believed to be reliable, some submitted with these persons’ nominations to the Fluid Power Hall of Fame, and additional information on the Internet and other sources.

Henry (Hank) Fleischer, P.E., CMfgE
Inducted 2019
With an amazing 49-years as contributor and leader in the fluid power industry, Henry Fleischer interrupted his education for three years to serve with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in WWII. Fleischer is a licensed Professional Engineer and a Certified Manufacturing Engineer. The author of Manual of Pneumatic Systems Optimization (1995), Fleischer has seen his work used as text by Purdue University, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Ford Community College, among others. He holds three patents and has published dozens of technical articles for U.S. and overseas publications. Fleischer has served with distinction as a regional judge for the FIRST Robotics Competitions.

John R. Groot, CFPPS-Emeritus
Inducted 2019
John Groot, business owner, educator and entrepreneur, has been active in fluid power for over 35 years. He has been both President and Treasurer of the International Fluid Power Society and developed and maintained the original IFPS web presence for many years. He served as President of both the Fluid Power Distributors Association and the Fluid Power Educational Foundation. Groot has been a strong supporter of FIRST Robotics, always striving to make fluid power products more attractive to student participants. He has received the IFPS Tour de Force Award as well as the FPDA Lifetime Achievement Award.

Ernest (Ernie) Parker, CFPAI
Inducted 2019
With over 42 years writing and presenting curriculum for fluid power courses, Ernie Parker was awarded Minnesota Educator of the Year (2009) as well as the International Fluid Power Society’s National Educator of the Year (1988). Parker has been active with both the national IFPS organization and the local Minnesota Chapter 5 IFPS group. He has worked tirelessly with student programs – both secondary and post-secondary – including FIRST, Project Lead the Way, Minnesota Technical Challenge, and Minnesota Skills USA. Parker has monthly published “Air Teasers” in the Fluid Power Journal for many years.
Dr. Nicholas (Nick) Peppiatt
Inducted 2019
Dr. Nicholas Peppiatt is a member of the British Fluid Power Association and has been Chair of its TC7 Technical Committee, “Seals and their housings” for the past 25 years. Since 1985, he has presented conference sessions and published fluid power technical articles in Europe, the U.S., and internationally. Peppiatt holds and maintains (with Hallite Seals International Ltd.) three European patents covering seals and their applications. He holds a Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Bristol. Peppiatt is a Chartered Engineer and a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

Thomas S. Wanke, CFPE (1954 - 2022)
Inducted 2019
Recipient of the first “Otto J. Maha Pioneers in Fluid Power Award” (2007), Thomas Wanke has spent over four decades leading, teaching, and developing courses and programs at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. Wanke is currently the Director of the Fluid Power Industrial Consortium, a collaboration between MSOE and the NFPA. He continues with industry technical presentations while also planning, coordinating, and facilitating MSOE’s annual NFPA Fluid Power Action Challenge for eighth grade students. Wanke holds two U.S. patents and serves on the ISO (International Standards Organization) TC-131 Technical Standards Committee for Fluid Power.